3 Steps to Make Your Offers and Affiliates in Control

Offerslook Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2017


Tips for Using Offerslook Smart Alert

Offerslook has a number of “smart” features that make it easier to perform certain tasks.

Smart Alert: Alert and deal the abnormal issues in real time during your business process.

Smart Puller: Automatically grab as many offers from advertisers just by a few clicks. No Coding,No Development Cost.

Email Marketing: Create and send emails to any desired group.

Today I’m going to introduce you to one of customers’ favorite features: Smart Alerts.

What is Smart Alert?

Providing deep insights into the health and performance of your performance marketing business,Smart Alert is an insanely powerful tool available to intelligent alert the abnormal issues in real time during your business process.

Why it is valuable to performance marketers?

Each network has hundreds of offers and affiliates. Your business may move unexpectedly at any moment due to a bunch of reasons.

It is hard for you to keep an eye on them all the time. Acting with intelligence, Offerslook Smart Alert constantly monitors all your key metrics including: Conversion Rate, Unique Click Rate, Postback, and Reject Click Rate ect. With Offerslook Smart Alert, you always have a finger on the pulse of your business to keep it health.

For example:

Abnormal behavior alert and fraudulent traffic alert are the most used by customers:
Proxy traffic
Same device / same IP multiple conversions happening within x time from a specific sub-affiliate / affiliate.
Offer down alert — X no. of clicks on the offer & 0 conversions basically

This is primarily reflected in the form of a high conversion or No Conversion from a sub-affiliate / affiliate. So an alert + blocking action for this will be a perfect way.

How easy to get started

You just need 3 steps to set up alert for your business

  1. Log in your Offerslook Account and going to Smart Alert Tool to create a New Alert
    Do not have an account? Register Now for 30-days free trial

2. Set Metric for Alert. If you want automatically handle the abnormal issues when the Alert is triggered, just turn the operation on. It can automatically pause the offer or block the affiliate.

3. Select offers or affiliates you want to monitor.

It’s that easy to set up your fully customized instant Smart Alerts for your business and keep performance always high.

Sign up and try a 30-days free trial Now !

About Offerslook
Offerslook is a smart Performance Marketing software/affiliate tracking software. It enables Advertisers, Agencies, and Networks to Create, manage and optimize their Advertising Network in an easy & smart with its smart features like Smart Puller, Email Marketing ect.



Offerslook is a Performance Marketing SaaS for Ad Networks/ Affiliate Networks. Anyone can use Offerslook to easily create and manage an ad network.